click to know more about us click your way to our hearts click. pose. snap. shoot. clicking is the new jetting bzzzzz! click to enter!

Farewell for now

They say, "All good things must come to an end". The Fad People would like to thank all readers who have loved and supported us in this social media venture. With our graduation and starting of first jobs, this pet project would have to take a back seat for now.

For those who have believed in us since our tiny seed idea sprouted three years ago, we appreciate all the help, support and encouragement. For those who came on-board only later, your spontanity in wanting to create a social platform for young working adults with us has warmed the cockles of our hearts.

It was a bold move. A great dream. And this has been a wild, fun, memorable ride!

We look forward to the day when The Fad People would once again bring joy to everyone, and joyously bring everyone together.

For now, take care and see you soon!

*Updates: May 11 - May 17

After a short break, we are back again with theFadfriends.. <this time we headed to Orchard>

*Updates: May 4 - May 10*

Remember Ben and Jerry's Free Cones Day.. We were there at Cathay and so were many others... <see the ice cream that we had>

Mother's Day is just around the corner. Fretting where to bring your moms for a meal where prices are not already marked up sky-high? Citibank cardmembers are entitled to "Mom Dines for Free" at Dolphins' Tavern. Wanna know more about the place and its food? <I do, I do!>

Holler: Say bye to The Fad Runway as we take "showing off" to the next level. Introducing "The Fad Friends", an avenue for self expression, friendship and fun. We are serious about including each and every one of you. Just wait and see!

It was Lyn's Birthday, and we were all stranded at Robertson Walk. Hungry and picky, the-star-of-the-night said no to North Indian, no to Mexican/Spanish, and settled for Italian. That was when we found ourselves at the doorsteps of Cugini. <Happy Birthday, Lynette!>

*Updates: April 26 - May 3*

TheFadChick and some of her friends went back to history and had some nice chinese dishes. No idea where it is? Read on to find out! <back to period dramas!>


Just a reminder on Ben and Jerry's Free Cone Day on the 29th (Tuesday)
Refer to our facebook group for more details!

One fine day, the Fad girl had some serious craving for pizza. She coaxed her team to join her in search of some really authentically itally pizzas and the Fad people found themselves at the door of da paolo. < Amore Italiano >

School's out for us all, it's graduation. But before we say our goodbyes, we celebrate. As we say, happy time calls for happy measures. Best in alcohol form? Check out the T.G.I.O event at CHIJMES just last Saturday. <One round of beer please. >

*Updates: April 14 - April 20*

We have been quiet due to different other commitments
but we have not forgotten you! - and we will be back soon!

To reward our Fad readers, we bring you this fantastic deal:

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream - Free Cone Day!!!

On the 29th of April
Go to Ben and Jerry's outlets to celebrate the 30th birthday.
Choose a ice cream cone from any of the 5 funcky flavors!
Pls refer to the press release for more details

TheFadpeople say: Stay tune for updates in the coming week!

*Updates: April 7 - April 13*

Today, we visit a cheeky named restaurant.. The Mussel Guys @ Vivo and no i didn't see any muscle guys... < Check out the food and review... >

*Updates: Mar 24 - April 6*

One birthday girl, three birthday cakes, flowing wine and delicious sun. The girl friends gather for Tow's party. Happy Birthday Tow! <You get to blow the candles thrice! >

KAZU. Don't be fooled by its appearance in a more-than-deserted Cuppage Plaza. They say that real treasure is found when you go hunt for it. So if you are searching for a yaki paradise, you just might have arrived... <Start grilling it>

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